Tax deduction for individuals

Think about the tax deduction!

For private lessons, the tax credit amounts to 50% of the expenses incurred during the year. If your private tuition expenses amount to € 1,000 during the year, you can deduct € 500 from your taxes the following year. Expenses are retained within a limit which varies between € 12,000 and € 20,000 per year (depending on the composition of your tax household). Even tax-free households can benefit from this measure. A final important point to note is that the implementation of the withholding tax at the start of the year does not call into question the tax credits. If you need more details on the conditions or on the procedure to follow, we invite you to consult the page directly by clicking here. Please do not hesitate to contact us if a question persists concerning the deduction of private lessons from your taxes. As of January 1, 2017, the tax credit is generalized to all French taxpayers who use personal services.

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